Tuesday 6 March 2018

The Books of Ushaw

The North East Catholic History Society lecture season resumes tomorrow here in the parish hall with a talk by Alistair Fraser on The Books of Ushaw at 2pm. I`m looking forward to this very much as the contents of the Big Library have always intrigued me: I would have loved to have been let loose in it when I was at Ushaw.  There is now a Twitter page for the Ushaw Library which features the contents of this remarkable collection. I`m proud to have once borrowed books from the Big Library a number of years ago, thanks to Fr Milburn, when I was preparing my talk for the Society on The Recusants and the Sarum Rite. 

 Ushaw`s copy of Henry VIII’s Defence of the Seven Sacraments (1521) for which the Pope gave Henry the title ‘Defender of the Faith’

Short notice I know but if you are nearby it should be an interesting talk.

The next talk will be on 4 April when  Prof. John Derry, will speak on James ll — The King who lost Three Kingdoms.


  1. The Big Library must indeed have been superb. I share your view Dr. Brown that it would have been good to be left in there for a few days to browse and learn.

  2. In my day - 1958 - 1964 - The Big Library was under the personal control, indeed fiefdom of the famous Fr Bernard Payne RIP, known as Barney. A character. He was famous for his adherence to protocol and rules. He was once laid up in bed with something nasty, and received visitors in his pyjamas and biretta.

    A good man!


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