Tuesday 26 March 2019

A new start

Yesterday bishop Byrne was installed as bishop of Hexham and Newcastle. It was a very happy occasion and hopes for the future are high. The bishop`s homily can be heard here. I`ll be listening again. It was good to see the best vestments being used: those gifted to the cathedral by the Poor Clares of Darlington.

Amongst those I spoke with the mood was very upbeat.The sun shone and the streets of Newcastle witnessed (the probably hitherto unprecedented sight) of fathers of the Oratory wandering about in habit. I was once again amazed by the people who said they look at this blog. So much so that I thought I`d better try and get it going again. I hope there will be plenty to report in coming months!

Thursday 14 March 2019

Solemn High Mass

I`m happy to say that we will be having a Solemn High Mass on the feast of St Joseph again this year at 7pm. Music by the Westland Singers directed by Paul Dewhurst, will include a Mass setting by Henri Nibelle, a blind Paris organist who died in 1930 and Laudamus Te from Vivaldi`s Gloria.

St Joseph will be wearing his best cope again for the occasion. All welcome. Refreshments after Mass.

Monday 4 March 2019

North East Catholic History Society

Lectures 2019 take place on a Wednesday at 2.00pm in St. Joseph’s Centre, Gateshead. Wed 6 March, Dr. Adam Morton: Anti Popery in 17th Century England. Wed 3 April, Dr. Margaret Harvey: The Rites of Durham in Context

All welcome.