Tuesday 26 March 2019

A new start

Yesterday bishop Byrne was installed as bishop of Hexham and Newcastle. It was a very happy occasion and hopes for the future are high. The bishop`s homily can be heard here. I`ll be listening again. It was good to see the best vestments being used: those gifted to the cathedral by the Poor Clares of Darlington.

Amongst those I spoke with the mood was very upbeat.The sun shone and the streets of Newcastle witnessed (the probably hitherto unprecedented sight) of fathers of the Oratory wandering about in habit. I was once again amazed by the people who said they look at this blog. So much so that I thought I`d better try and get it going again. I hope there will be plenty to report in coming months!


  1. A wonderful occasion indeed, Father. Solemn Vespers on Sunday evening was also extremely beautiful. I wonder how many priests in our diocese don’t posses choir dress! Bishop McMahon’s cope was magnificent (possibly brought with him).

    The installation Mass itself was incredibly well executed; the choir on form and liturgical actions carried out in a spirit of prayer and solemnity. It was nice to see His Lordship using the crosier that I believe has been kept in Bishop’s House...I do hope we’ll see it again, if only at Cathedral events.

    Here’a to a new springtime with our Oratorian Shepherd.

  2. Father Brown, As you note the Vestments were a donation to the Cathedral by the Poor Clares of Darlington and the ring was St. Cuthbert's from Ushaw. Do you know where the Crosier originates? Doesn't seem to be Bishop Byrne's that he used in the Birmingham Diocese.

  3. A happy event for your diocese, Father.


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