Tuesday 30 August 2016

Brinkburn 2016

Although the priory was booked last year for this year it has proved impossible to secure the services of choir to sing a polyphonic setting of the ordinary of the Mass but I`m making inquiries for next year now to make sure things will be in place in 2017. However the day has been saved by a small group of singers who will sing the propers and a plainchant ordinary. I`m grateful to David Edwards for stepping in! So this year`s Solemn High Mass will take place on Saturday 10th September at 12 noon. All welcome. The sun normally shines for us so do come for Mass in this fantastic setting.

The Mass will be for  the Feast of St NIcholas of Tolentino. Fr Bede Rowe, who will be celebrant,  has written about the Septenarium devotion to this Saint which readers may find interesting.

Brinkburn 2015