Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Easter Sunday Music

I know some people like to know in advance so here is the music for Easter Sunday Mass at 12noon  at St Joseph`s. Many thanks to the Westland Singers

'By the first bright Easter day'...( 1889 Tune, words by Fr.Faber)Sung before Mass
Vidi Aquam...Ludwig Ebner.
Missa Martyrum...Bonfitto
Vitimae paschali laudes... Plainsong.
'Laudamus te'...(from the Gloria by Vivaldi).
O Filii et Filiae... Trad french tune.
Easter Hymn. Jesus Christ is ris'n today...(Tune 1708).


  1. Congratulations to you, Father, and to the serving team for a truly memorable Easter Sunday Mass.

  2. A very happy and blessed Easter Octave (what is left of it) to you Dr. Brown and to all your people up in those far northern lands.


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