Monday, 24 April 2017

Easter Octave

I may be not seeing the obvious but why is it that the Easter Octave in the Extraordinary Form ends on Easter Saturday not Low Sunday? I`ve looked at the Catholic Encyclopedia but not found an answer.


  1. My 1953 Missal states that "Paschaltide extends from Easter Eve to the Saturday after Pentecost". So, if it starts on Easter Eve (Holy Saturday) then the Octave of eight days will end on Easter Saturday inclusive.
    The LMS Ordo states that the Octave of Easter ends after None on Easter Saturday.

  2. I saw that but surely the Easter octave can`t start until after the first Mass of Easter?

  3. And how many angels can be balanced on the end of a pin?
    (only joking)

  4. If you consult Gavantus' commentary which forms an introduction to the Octavarium Romanum he argues that the Octave runs from Saturday to Saturday.


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