Monday, 13 March 2017

Solemn High Mass for St Joseph`s Day.

This year, as March 19th falls on the third Sunday of Lent, the feast of St Joseph is transferred to Monday 20th. St Cuthbert seems to be kicked into touch this year so far as I can tell.

There will be a Solemn High Mass at St Joseph`s on Monday 20th March at 7pm. Music by the Westland singers: details to follow. Refreshments afterwards in the Ingram room.

The Sacred Ministers will be the usual suspects.

The usual suspects

UPDATE: Music will be;
Kyrie and Gloria from Little Credo Mass in C, Mozart K257
Sanctus, plainsong, 
Agnus Dei, Mass of St Joseph, Gruber,
Communion Motet: Jesu, rex admirabilis Palestrina


  1. Sorry to miss this Mass but we leave on the morning of 20th en route to another (yes, another) cruise. Hope all goes well

  2. As Patron of your diocese St. Cuthbert is a Double of the First Class and is transferred to the first free day, after St. Joseph free of a feast of nine lessons.

    1. According to the diocesan ordo and the LMS ordo there is St Joseph on Monday on nothing about St Cuthbert. However the cathedral is celebrating St Cuthbert on Monday 20th and St Joseph on 21st: that must be wrong!

    2. Now that is an interesting one: 'The Muniment Room' blog's fascinating series on an 1865 Ordo shows that before the feast of St. Joseph was granted additional privileges regarding its transferrence when impeded St. Cuthbert was observed on Monday and St. Joseph later in the week.

      You must have some real Rad-Trad clergy at the Cathedral these days!


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