Saturday, 11 July 2015

North East Catholic History 2015-2016

The programme for the next academic year has now been put together. All lectures will take place on Wednesdays at 2.15pm in St Andrew’s Parish Room, 9 Worswick Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 6UW. All welcome. Non members £1. More details here.

7th Oct 2015 Leo Gooch: 300th Anniversary of the 1st Jacobite Rebellion 1715

4th Nov 2015 Prof. Donald MacRaild: Religion and the Irish Diaspora

2nd March 2016 Dr James Hagerty: World War 1 Chaplains.

6th April 2016 Father Antony Conlon: Mary Tudor

4th May 2016 Dr Emma Jane Wells: Medieval Architecture in the North East.

Not under the auspices of the NECHS but of interest perhaps is that there are plans for a Solemn High Requiem on February 24th 2016 to mark the 300th anniversary of the execution of the 3rd Earl of Derwentwater.


  1. Terry Middleton11 July 2015 at 20:52

    Very interesting programme, I must come along.
    Great news about the Requiem for the Earl.

  2. I am reading a book entitled 'Portrait of Northumberland' by Nancy Ridley (Robert Hale and Co. London). Facing page 49 there is a picture with the caption 'Hexham Priory Church where St Winifred was bishop'. You live and learn.


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