Monday, 9 December 2019

Bishop Byrne at St Joseph`s, Gateshead.

The Mass for the feast of the Immaculate Conception went well yesterday. Here are some photos in no particular order. I`ll sort them into order in time. Thanks to Martin for taking them.


  1. What a marvellous and ground-breaking occasion for those of us of a certain vintage in this diocese who have waited decades for such 'official' recognition by our bishop. What is noticeable at St Joseph's is the increase in the numbers of young people, especially young men, who are attending. It is the spirituality and dignity of the traditional Mass which many young people are now finding attractive and is the source of many vocations to the priesthood and religious orders. Not only should we be thankful to our bishop but also to Fr Brown for his pastoral care ever since his ordination.

  2. It was good to meet the bishop &, hopefully, his outlook will persuade more (young) priests to learn the EF Mass. Great to have a shepherd who not only can celebrate EF Mass but DOES!!


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