Tuesday 25 December 2018

Merry Christmas

On Christmas Eve, we will place ourselves once again before the Crib to contemplate, astonished, the "Word made flesh." Sentiments of joy and gratitude, like in every year, are renewed in our hearts as we hear the melodies of Christmas carols, which sing of, in so many languages, the same, extraordinary miracle. The Creator of the universe, out of love, came to make his dwelling among men. In the Letter to the Philippians, St. Paul affirms that Christ, "though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men" (2:6). He appeared in human form, adds the Apostle, humbling himself. At holy Christmas we will relive the realization of this sublime mystery of grace and mercy.

Pope Benedict XVI 21.12.06

UPDATE: 29.12.18. I`ve just found a lot of unpublished comments I was unaware of . Blogger used to send me a notification when a comment came in. I must have switched this off somehow. I`ll see if I can fix it.


  1. Father,

    A very moving and deeply significant Midnight Mass, and a great sermon from yourself.

    Some good singing (says he modestly), and an excellent serving team.

    Thank you, and God Bless.


  2. Wishing you all the peace and wisdom of the Word made flesh. The new sanctuary statues of George and Michael are a real call to grace for all who visit St Joseph’s.

  3. Fr Michael, I would like to express my own 'sentiments of joy and gratitude', not only for the Midnight Mass in the traditional Roman Rite but also for the regular Sunday Masses and all the Holydays of Obligation. It can be easy to take these things for granted but you can be assured that your faithful flock greatly appreciates your pastoral care for those who love the liturgical traditions of the Church. Ad multos annos.

  4. We enjoyed our Christmas in York with Solemn High Mass (EF) in St Wilfrid's beside the Minster. Hope everyone had a good Christmas at St Joseph's & that you, personally, have a Peaceful & Healthy 2019.
    On our return journey we visited Ampleforth where a old friend, Dom Gregory Brusey OSB. is interred.


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