Thursday, 12 April 2018

St Joseph`s 1957

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This recently came my way after a funeral when the family were sorting out their father`s belongings. I don`t have a record player so am getting it transferred so as to be able to listen to it. Not sure whether I'll think it's wonderful and regret how much we've lost or find it's terrible and not be surprised that people were ready for something new! On the other side is a sermon by Fr Hugh Lavery. When it`s ready I hope to put a link here.


  1. Fr Lavery was the parish priest of St Joseph's, Highfield,from (I think) c. 1962 for some 10 years. He followed the legendary Fr Malachy Mulligan. Fr Lavery's health was not good. He was followed by Canon Landreth, who celebrated his Golden Jubilee with us. He was very popular, and much respected.

    He said to my wife and I "Vatican Two opened the windows of the church, to let the fresh air in, But when you open the windows, a lot of muck comes in too."

  2. Fr Hugh Lavery, I’ve lost count of the priests and people who have all wished him to have been a Bishop or the Bishop. A story told to me once was of a Fr Hugh shedding a tear in a Newcastle street. after having been told to reduce his library collection after a visitation to count spoons in the presbytery. Surely not jealousy of a brilliant mind. Paul@Ryhope.


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