Sunday 9 July 2017

More Good news from diocese of Lancaster: Institute of Christ the King gets second church in Preston

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Delighted to see this today. The Institute of Christ the King recently announced they are opening a school in Preston. Now they have a second church. I was interested to read this as a friend of mine was a curate in English Martyrs and I used to go to visit. A fabulous church and so good that it will be staffed by the Institute. Let`s hope they one day cross the Pennines and open up in Hexham and Newcastle.

Image may contain: indoor



  1. This would be the wonderful fate of St Michael's in Elswick. A 2* listed building it is TOTALLY unaltered with OF Masses (versus populum) being celebrated on a totally moveable altar. This was the church of my childhood & youth. It was here I was baptised,married my late wife, Margaret, had my daughter & granddaughters baptised & sang in the choir as boy & man for almost 30 years. But will our diocesan hierarchy move in this direction following the example of fellow bishops? I sadly doubt it. It even has a very large presbytery but needs lots of work.

  2. We now have countless examples of traditional orders being invited into once vibrant churches and 'turning things around, only look at the excellent work of the Oratorians in York and elsewhere. It beggars belief that it hasn't happened here in H&N
    PW Dewhurst


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