Sunday, 28 September 2014

St Walburge`s

Yesterday I was very glad to be at the inaugural Mass of the apostolate of the Institute of Christ the King at the incredible church of St Walburge. Arriving, uncharacteristically, twenty minutes early, it was encouraging to see this very large church already full. Wikipedia says it seats a thousand. The Mass coram episcopo, was as beautiful as one would expect from the Institute. Thanks to LMS chairman for directing attention to Martin Gardner`s photos.
Part of the congregation

Bishop Campbell appeared very happy with everything.
Bishop Campbell
It was good to see many familiar faces among the clergy, some of whom I`d not seen in a long time. A number of people knew me from this blog. One lady said I look different in real life. I asked in what respect and was told the real me looked younger. I must find a less haggard looking picture.

Countercultural Father has given an account and an interesting post about the future daily routine at St Walburge`s which looks very good.

So let`s pray all works out well and once it is noticed that neither the diocese of Shrewbury nor Lancaster have collapsed because they have given historic churches to an Ecclesia Dei institute that others may follow suit. Ad multos annos!
Non-haggard and happy

Friday, 26 September 2014

Iraqi Christians in Need

I received this by email and thought it worth sharing.

ICIN was founded in 2007 in Thames Ditton, south-west London, by a community of Iraqi Christian family friends to address the medical, educational and financial needs of displaced Christians within Iraq, Syria and Jordan. Now the focus is mainly on northern Iraq, in Erbil and Ankawa, where there are currently some 8970 Christian refugee families scattered throughout churches, schools, parks and abandoned buildings, thankfully being cared for by the Catholic and Syriac churches. There are plans to construct and secure permanent shelters for families in view of the imminent freezing winter months and there is, understandably, a significant financial need. A direct online link that outlines the current situation in greater detail is here:-

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Even more good news

This from the Latin Mass Society today:

Bishop Alan Hopes, recently appointed Bishop of East Anglia, will celebrate Pontifical High Mass in the Old Rite in Norwich's Catholic Cathedral on All Saints' Day (Saturday 1st November) at 12 noon.
The cathedral address is Cathedral of St John the Baptist, Unthank Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 2PA.
For very many years, East Anglia Diocese could quite accurately, and without any lack of charity, have been described as a liturgical desert, as far as the Traditional Mass was concerned. Coincidentally, or perhaps not, vocations plummeted. More than that, there was tangible hostility from many diocesan clergy, all the way up to the top. The arrival of Bishop Hopes marks a thaw in the long winter.
Bishop Hopes celebrated a number of Traditional Masses for the LMS in Westminster Cathedral during his time as auxiliary bishop there, and has also conferred the Traditional Rite of Confirmation for us at the LMS's annual ceremony in London. So the faithful of East Anglia are in good hands.
It is worth remembering the LMS's role in all of this. We have been trying to get a Traditional Mass celebrated at Norwich Catholic Cathedral for many months, since before Bishop Alan was appointed in fact. After repeatedly negative responses, we tried again shortly after his appointment and were met with a sympathetic reply. It is one of the things that the LMS does to keep up the pressure for more Traditional Masses. It's one of the reasons why, if you're not already a member of the LMS, you should join us.

I`m looking forward to going to the opening of the Institute of Christ the King`s apostolate in Preston on Saturday too

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Some Good News

Tracey Rowland has been appointed to the Vatican`s International Theological Commission. Any one who can write the following has my vote:

“The usus antiquior should be a standard element of the cultural capital of all Latin Rite Catholics since it so effectively resists secularism and satisfies the post-modern hunger for coherent order, beauty and an experience of self-transcendence.”

Prof Tracey Rowlands: Sacra Liturgia Conference Rome June 2013

Australia seems very felix these days what with the appointment of bishop Fisher to Sydney too.

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Brinkburn Priory

The nineteenth annual Brinkburn Solemn High Mass will take place this Saturday at noon. The weather forecast is good. Music by the Rudgate Singers.

UPDATE 8.09.14 All went well. Thanks to everyone. Mike Forbester has loaded a video onto YouTube.